Legal information

Welcome to, ID Logistics’ corporate site.

By accessing this site, you accept the conditions hereunder : which can be modified at any time and without prior notice : please read them on a regular basis.

This site is the property of ID Logistics, a corporation with a stockholder’s equity of 13.796.640 Euros, incorporated in :

55, Chemin des Engranauds

CS 20040

13660 Orgon

Tel. : +33 (0)04 42 110 600

RCD Tarascon 433 691 862

Publisihng director : Eric Hemar

Hosting :


62 rue Tiquetonne

75002 Paris

RCS PARIS: 492 893 490

01 84 16 23 49

Access and utilization :

The site provides corporate and financial information on the Id Logistics group, as well as links to its subsidiaries and partners. The ID Logistics group means all those companies owned directly or indirectly by the company ID Logistics.

This site is under the jurisdiction of the country of France; visitors accessing the site from overseas should comply to the local applicable laws.

Users of the site acknowledge that they possess the necessary skills and ressources to access and use the site. Users acknowledge having read this legal notice, and commit to complying to its terms and conditions.

ID Logistics makes its best efforts to keep the site accessible; however, for maintenance purposes, as well as all other mostly technical reasons, access to the site might be interrupted. ID Logistics will in no way or form be held liable for any consequence for the user stemming from these interruptions.

ID Logistics has the right to unilaterally modify, cancel or suspend, at any time, and without prior notice, access to all or parts of the site, including but not limited to its content, features and hours of operations.

Intellectual property :

All the data : text, brands, logos, sounds, images or videos on this site are the inalienable property of ID Logistics.

Any copies, presentation or communication of all documents, in whole or in parts, of this site’s content is authorized for information purposes only, for a strictly private use.Any other use of these copies, particularly for commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited, unless prior and written agreement has been obtained from ID Logistics group.

Furthermore, all the brand names cited in the site are registered and protected trademarks. Any use of any of the aforementionned brands is possible only after agreement from ID Logistics group.

The group ID Logistics may initiate legal actions against the unlawful usage of its intellectual property, including in criminal court.

Hypertext links :

Unless ID Logistics consents to it in writing, all links to one of the pages of this site, or to a document included in this site are prohibited.Writtent requests for links should be adressed to : Management – ID Logistics – 55, Chemin des Engranauds – CS 20040 – 13660 Orgon – France.

Responsibility :

All accessible data in this site is available for information purposes only.

The group ID Logistics will devote all available ressources to guarantee at all times the exactness of the information in the site, and regularly update the elements constituting this site. The group ID Logistics is not liable for errors and omissions in the site, nor for “hacking” or rogue manipulations on its content.

The group ID Logistics gives no guarantees, explicit or implicit, and is not liable for any responsbility stemming from access or usage of this site, including all damages or visruses  which could infect the computer equipment or all other asset of the user.

The group ID Logistics will not be held liable for any damage , whether directly or indirectly, whatever its causes, origins, natures or consequences, caused by anybody’s access to the site or the impossibility to access it, as well as the site utilization and/or credit given to any onformation coming directly or indirectly from it.

Galleries :

ID Logistics