Our social commitments

Committed to our employees

Our priority: guaranteeing our employees good working conditions and encouraging their professional fulfilment

At ID Logistics, we believe that the health and safety of each individual, the inclusion of everyone and training throughout their career are key to the successful development of our company.

Management and technology at the service of our policy of health and safety in the workplace

Safety and Prevention

Our collaborative management allows us to consult and mobilise our teams. What’s more, we use technology and innovation to improve working conditions and to strengthen employee safety. For example, we analyse the effects of movements and postures on the human body thanks to sensors and avatars in order to identify those parts of the body most under strain and to improve prevention accordingly.

In-house promotion

Hands-on and long-term career support

We support each of our employees in their professional development to allow them to progress and to achieve their goals within ID Logistics.
This means giving employees hired for their talents and experience access to solid professional skills. We provide them with the necessary qualifications
and run specific training courses that enhance their employability and their long-term integration within the job market.


Being a responsible employer means advocating the inclusion of people with disabilities

As early as 2012, we put in place a programme (HAN’ACTION) to overcome stereotypes linked to disabilities. This initiative is accompanied by in-house communication operations to provide information to employees on filling out a disability dossier, as well as discussion days between people with disabilities and volunteer ID Logistics employees.
In 2020, the Group signed an agreement in France with AGEFIPH (the French association responsible for managing development funds for the professional integration of people with disabilities) that structures our actions to promote the hiring and retaining of people with disabilities.
Our disability policy is also active on a global level.